Tuesday, April 3, 2012

High School Art Assignments with a Twist

 High School art teachers were always giving us boring projects. Since I took so many art classes in H.S, they had to put me into a drawing class that I had already taken before (I dont know how I managed that one). So I asked the teacher if she could possibly give me different assignments since I already did all of them before. I guess she was not too happy with this request so she decided to just ignore it. So I took matters into my own hands. When it was time for the "paper bag" assignment, I gave it a little twist. I tried to think of the most outrageous thing that could fall out of a paper bag, so I chose eye balls lol. I thought she was going to be furious with me but surprisingly she wasn't! She actually really liked it and apologized for not helping me challenge myself. So it turns out, even the most boring projects can be fun if you give it a twist!
Similar to the paper bag assignment was an animal assignment we were given. Only this time I had a different teacher who forced me to challenge myself. He told me to find a picture of an animal that I thought would be challenging and draw it. So I did what he told me. But then, he told me I had to give it a new twist. This was the first time that I ever tried "weave drawing" (I'm sure there is a more technical term for it but I'm just not sure what it is). This was one of the HARDEST things I have ever done. At some points, I thought my brain was going to explode when I needed to think about which "ribbons" needed to weave under, and which were weaved over. But when I finished, I was so excited to have learned a new technique. This is something that I will never forget about my art experiences in high school and it is something I would LOVE to teach others!

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