Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Alex Grey

Alex Grey has been a HUGE influence on most of my work. Both pieces are my own interpretations of two of his most incredible masterpieces. My dream would be to one day create work as amazing as his, but for now this is a start! If anyone can name which artwork this is based off of lets hear it :)


  1. So I didn't know who he was so I googles him and wow I really like his artwork. He almost gives you a three-d effect of humans insides so I can see where you got your influence but you put your own twist to it. Love both!

    -allie :)

  2. Thanks Allie! Check out the actual Alex Grey website its insanely breathtaking :)

  3. Love this one as i stated on your facebook!

  4. Thank you so much!! I know you're a very artistic person yourself so if you have any work that you have done or artwork of others that you love let me know and i'll post it!

  5. These are incredible, I love these pieces. You clearly put a lot of thought and effort into your art. You have amazing talent.

  6. Hi Shannon Amazing work!! You are extremely talanted.
