Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Nightmare Before Christmas!

One of my favorite movies of all time is The Nightmare Before Christmas. A number of my pieces are influenced by Tim Burton (as well as Alex Grey)...No other artist could beat Tim Burton's creepy and fun artwork. Although it is far fetched I DREAM to be as amazing as Tim Burton one day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Losing my Mind!

Sometimes when I am sitting in the back of class, trying so hard to pay attention, I can't. Instead, I find myself drawing the most abnormal doodles you can imagine. This drawing describes how my brain felt during a three and a half hour class that felt like it was never-ending. I dont usually give my drawings titles, but I'm curious to see if anyone can come up with a funny/perfect title for this one...

Gotta Love Spongebob!

One tv show that always makes me smile is Spongebob. When I'm a little down, Spongebob and Patrick will always cheer me up! Even though my parents cannot stand his voice, its music to my ears! :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Alex Grey

Alex Grey has been a HUGE influence on most of my work. Both pieces are my own interpretations of two of his most incredible masterpieces. My dream would be to one day create work as amazing as his, but for now this is a start! If anyone can name which artwork this is based off of lets hear it :)


So I have been working on this unfinished painting for over a YEAR now. With a lack of inspiration I desperately need help!! Any ideas are helpful :)